This topic describes how to insert a barcode control of the MSI
symbology (code type) into a report. In addition, it gives a short description
of the MSI code type. To learn more about barcodes in XtraReports see the
Barcodes Overview topic.
Short Description
MSI was developed by the MSI Data Corporation, based on the original Plessey
Code. MSI, also known as Modified Plessey, is used primarily to mark retail
shelves for inventory control. MSI is a continuous, non-self-checking symbology.
While the length of an MSI barcode can be of any length, a given application
usually implements a fixed-length code.
Barcode's Properties
The following properties should be set to specify a particular barcode of the
MSI type:
This property is used to specify a checksum for the barcode. It should be set to
an appropriate value in the MSICheckSum