This topic describes how to insert a barcode control of the GS1-128
(also known as EAN-128 or UCC-128) symbology (code type) into a
report. In addition, it gives a short description of the GS1-128 code
type. To learn more about barcodes in XtraReports see the Barcodes Overview topic.
Short Description
GS1-128 (EAN-128) was developed to provide a worldwide format
and standard for exchanging common data between companies. While other barcodes
simply encode data with no respect for what the data represents, GS1-128
encodes data and encodes what that data represents.
Barcode's Properties
The following properties should be set to specify a particular barcode of the
GS1-128 (EAN-128) type:
This property is used to specify the symbol (or set of symbols) in the
GS1-128 barcode's text which will be replaced with the FNC1
functional character when the barcode's bars are drawn.