
Impact Suite

Add features to every section of Act! from calendars to opportunities to custom table. With the latest version of Impact Suite for Act!, managing, enhancing and getting more out of your Act! software has never been easier. What's new

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All of your Act needs in one add-on.

Scroll down to see what Impact Suite can do for you.

Reusable Reports of Any Type: Impact Report Designer

Numerous add-ons in one product

Impact Suite bring you power, flexibility and features not found in native ACT! Impact has 15 add-ons to fit your business needs. Purchased separately or together they make ACT! work for you!
Help Topic: Impact Suite    

Reusable Reports of Any Type: Impact Report Designer

30+ Custom Lists Templates

Impact allows you to create new lists such as invoices, bids, inventory and billable hours directly in your database. Shared policy numbers with all users on the network. Import your lists from existing Microsoft Excel files. Start with one of our 30+ templates or create one for yourself.
Help Topic: Custom Tables | Import Wizard | Pre-designed Templates    

Reusable Reports of Any Type: Impact Report Designer

Project Tracking and Activities

Install our 'Project Tracking' template to attach multiple activities into a common project. Display project information such as 'project name' or 'due date' on the calendar. Once the activity is attached to a project a new customizable icon is displayed.
Help Topic: Project Tracking    

Reusable Reports of Any Type: Impact Report Designer

Robust In-List Filtering

The in-line filter and query builder allows you to design a single or a multi condition (advanced) query. A query is a method of filtering the list. Once you have designed a query, the list will be filtered on those conditions.
Help Topic: In-line Filters

Reusable Reports of Any Type: Impact Report Designer

Powerful Data-Entry Designer

Building your data-entry form will never be easier. We have 18 standard field types such as character, date, decimal, memo, numbers and yes/no fields to choice from. We have included parent-child fields, container controls like tabs and group boxes, custom controls for multi-line, currency or incremental number generation.
Help Topic: Data-entry Designer

Reusable Reports of Any Type: Impact Report Designer

In-Depth Document Merging

Impact allows users to create documents based on templates designed using Microsoft Word. Impact has an add-on designer for MS Word to simple access all the fields in the ACT database. The templates can merge any information in a custom table and/or the parent contact records. Word templates can also be converted to PDF.
Help Topic: Document Merging    

Reusable Reports of Any Type: Impact Report Designer

Enhanced 'Edit Activity'

Allows you to extend the fields on the activity form. You can now add fields to each activity to track mileage or any other field you desire.
Help Topic: Edit Activity    

Reusable Reports of Any Type: Impact Report Designer

Opportunity Product Bundling

Create invoices in seconds using a pre-determined bundle of products. Impact Suite bring you power, flexibility and features not found in native ACT! Multiple invoice templates quickly converted to ODF and automatically attached to an out-going email saves you time.
Help Topic: Product Drill Down    

Reusable Reports of Any Type: Impact Report Designer

Side-by-side Employee/Users Calendars

Using Impacts calendar add-on you can color code and enhance the calendar view allowing you to display side-by-side. Select from any contact field such as the ID/Status or email address.
Help Topic: Side-by-Side    

Reusable Reports of Any Type: Impact Report Designer

Math Functions for data-entry

Math Functions: Sum or count values in columns directly on the screen. No need to run complex reports. All ACT! addons support math functions built into each column like displaying the group counts "State: NY (11 contacts)" or currency total "Totals for  Sales Team Alpha ($156,000)". These functions can add totals and counts at the bottom of each column of any field using aggregate function including: Count, Sum, Average, Min, Max, StdDeviation, ValueCount
Help Topic: Math Functions    

Reusable Reports of Any Type: Impact Report Designer

Color Coded List using 'Color Rules'

Color rules are designed to colorize records for rows that match a condition. Color rules can be based on text condition like the one below. In this color rule we are making all rows blue where the word "Triumph" appears in the MAKE column.
Help Topic: Color Rules    

Reusable Reports of Any Type: Impact Report Designer

Central Administrator Panel

Administer the add-on from any workstation. Simply log into the ACT database as the database administrator and set each users designer, runtime or bypassed setting.
Help Topic: Network Administration    

Reusable Reports of Any Type: Impact Report Designer

More control over native lists

Don't like calling your customers 'contacts' or are you using the opportunity section to generate bids. Then change the display name for existing tables to a name your company uses.
Help Topic: Native Views