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Group and Sort Panel

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Group and Sort Panel

This topic gives you a brief overview of the Group and Sort panel, and its main features.

The Group and Sort panel makes it easier to apply grouping and sorting to your report, either at Visual Studio design time or in the End-User Designer. With this panel, you don't need to manually add Group Header and Footer bands, invoke their Group Fields editor, create grouping fields and define their properties. The Group and Sort panel does this automatically when you add a new grouping or sorting level.

The Group and Sort panel is added to the IDE when the XtraReports suite is installed. It can be moved, sized or docked in the same manner as other IDE windows, and usually has the following look. Note that after this window is closed, you can re-open it via the XtraReports Menu.

The Group and Sort panel is inactive unless your report isn't bound to a data source.

After you've bound your report to data, you can use the Add a Group and Add a Sort buttons, to choose new grouping and sorting criteria. You can adjust the precedence of these criteria, using the Move Up and Move Down buttons.

Then, you can specify the sorting order for each level (ascending or descending), and choose whether the corresponding Group Header and Footer bands should be displayed.

See also

Article ID:
Views: 200
Created By: jimdurkin
Modified By: [Modified By]
Created Date: 3/24/2014 12:31 PM
Last Modified: 3/24/2014 12:31 PM
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