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Field List

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Field List

This page describes the Field List window and its main features. The Field List is intended to display the schema of the data source that is currently bound to a report. This window may also be used to bind existing report controls to data or to create new bound report controls. To learn more about other report designer elements refer to the Report Designer  document.

The Field List Overview

Field List is shown in Visual Studio IDE, together with other IDE windows when you edit a report at design time. It can be moved, sized or docked in the same manner as other IDE windows and usually has the following look.


The Field List window is added to the IDE when the XtraReports suite is installed. Note that after this window is closed you can re-open it va XtraReports Menu.i

After binding a report to data, Field List shows the structure of the report's data source (assigned to the XtraReportBase.DataSource property). Then, Field List can be used for adding new bound controls and binding existing controls.

  • To bind an existing report control, control click the desired field item in the Field List window, and then drag and drop it onto the bindable report control. This control will then be bound to the selected data field.

    This feature works with all the objects of the XRControl class and its descendants.

  • To add a new bound report control, simply click the desired field item in the Field List window, and then drag and drop it onto the report band. After this anXRLabel control that is bound to the selected data field will appear.

  • Another way of creating new bound report controls is to right-click a Field List item, and then drag and drop it onto a report. This will invoke the context menu shown in the image below. Simply choose the item you need from the list, and the selected control bound to the appropriate data field will be created and added to the report.

Customize the Field List

In End-User Report Designer, Field List is represented by the DesignDockPanelType.FieldList enumeration value. It can be accessed via theXRDesignDockManager.DesignDockPanels property of an XRDesignDockManager, which is returned by the XRDesignForm.DesignDockManager property.

For a code example, see How to: Bring the Field List to Front in the End-User Designer.

Sort Items

You can sort Field List items via the XRDesignFieldList.SortOrder and XRDesignFieldList.ShowComplexProperties properties.

See also

Article ID:
Views: 173
Created By: jimdurkin
Modified By: [Modified By]
Created Date: 3/24/2014 12:31 PM
Last Modified: 3/24/2014 12:31 PM
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