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Column Sets

By default Durkin plugins creates a layout for every view and custom table you create. Multiple layout sets can be created and saved.  Each column is linked to a field in your view or custom table. You can modify these columns by creating new layout sets or by editing an individual layout.

To edit the layouts click Options  in the toolbar or right click on the list view and choose Options > Columns...  For more information on how to change columns click here.


If you right-click on the column header you will get this popup menu. This popup menu support features and functions for the selected column.


Sort Ascending will sort the column with the smaller values first.
Sort Descending will sort the column with the larger values first.
Best Fit All resizes the columns in the custom List for a best fit.  This option will resize all your column's width wide enough to display the contents of each column and row.
Auto Fit (No Scroll) will space the columns to fill the screen.  This option will space each column up to fill the screen.

Edit column will bring a window up to change the column caption, math functions, formatting and column color. 
Add Column will bring forward the define custom table window to add a new field.  To learn more click here.
Duplicate Column will bring make a copy of the column that was right clicked and open the edit column window to make any changes to the column.
Freeze Column will pin the column to the left of the list view and keep it there.





See also

Article ID:
Views: 234
Created By: jimdurkin
Modified By: [Modified By]
Created Date: 3/24/2014 12:31 PM
Last Modified: 3/24/2014 1:29 PM
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