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Printing Multiple Currencies

Opportunity List Plus uses the default currency setting from your window. If you would like to print multiple currencies you could set the currency format to a generic numeric then place the currency symbols on individual templates.  It will not do any conversation between the two currencies.

First change the currency formatting “£” or “$ on all the template using these steps:

  1. In the opportunity click on the new DOCUMENTS icon on the top toolbar
  2. Click on the OPTIONS button on the lower right
  3. Change the formatting from ‘c’ to ‘N2’  (currency to numeric with 2 decimal places)
  4. Click OK

Second, you will need to add the currency format back onto any template using Microsoft Word to edit each template.

  1. In the opportunity click on the new DOCUMENTS icon on the top toolbar
  2. Select the desired template and click "Edit Template"
  3. Add your currency symbol to each fdesired field. Below we have added to the total fields.
  4. Save and close the template

Currency symbol, multiple currency
See also

Article ID:
Views: 174
Created By: jimdurkin
Modified By: [Modified By]
Created Date: 3/24/2014 12:31 PM
Last Modified: 3/24/2014 1:53 PM
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