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Panel with Total Footer

Home > Impact Suite > Tables and Forms > Controls on Forms > Panels and Container > Panel with Total Footer

Panel with Total Footer

This control will add up the number, decimal or currency fields you add into the panel and display the total amount in the footer. 

To add this control onto a form follow these steps in the designer:
  1. Click on the Panels and Container icon on the top toolbar
  2. Select the Panel with Total Footer
  3. Drag it onto your form

Once you have the panel on the form you can drag field into the panel by following these steps:
  1. Click on the Existing Fields  icon on the top toolbar
  2. Select any numeric field from the  list
  3. Drag it into your panel

You can set the properties of the panel using the Properties area in the lower left corner. The properties include:

Border: The border around the panels
Show Clear Button: Is the CLEAR button visible. This button clears all the values for each field in the panel

Text : Not used at this time

Tooltip: The tooltip to display when the mouse hover over the panel.

Total Alignment: The alignment of the total value at the bottom of the panel

Total Format String: the formatting of the total value. c for currency, n for numeric

Total Target: This is the targeted total for the sum of all fields. When this total is under the target the total value will be RED. When this target value is met or exceeded the total value will be BLANK

See also

Article ID:
Views: 237
Created By: jimdurkin
Modified By: [Modified By]
Created Date: 3/24/2014 12:31 PM
Last Modified: 3/24/2014 12:31 PM
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