Opening an activity causes the system to lock.
If you have the option to enhance the 'Edit activity' form ON( TOOLS->Impact->Activities tab)
and the system locks up when you edit an activity please follow these steps to correct.
In ACT! go to the TOOLS menu and select IMPACT
Click on the Plugin File hot link near the bottom of the form. This action will open the Durkin preference folder for the current database \\MYSERVER\ACT2014Demo-database files\Durkin\
Exit ACT and leave that folder open.
Open the folder named "Toolkit"
Open the folder named "TOOLKITEXTENDED_ACTV"
Delete the file named ".Config.xml" ( It starts with a period so it may be at the top of the list.
Restart ACT
REASON: The program has incorrectly store the location of the form in a position which is not visible.
If you edit this file using Notepad.exe you may find en try for the "X" or "Y" position which is off the screen. -<ConfigDataSet> <id>18</id> <PreferenceName>frmSubEntityItemEditDurkinActivities__Photo Shoot.X</PreferenceName> <PreferenceValue>2580</PreferenceValue>