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Field Designer

When creating a custom table you will probably start with one of the table templates. But there will be times when the template just does not have enough fields for your workflow. To overcome this just add new fields into the custom table. You can add almost any style of field - from character to numeric to picture fields. To add a new field to a custom table, follow these steps:

  1. In ACT go to the TOOLS menu and select DEFINE CUSTOM TABLES
  2. Select the table to alter
  3. On the upper left click on the CREATE FIELD
  4. Give the field a name and select the data type such as PICTURE
  5. Click NEXT and fill out your desired settings
  6. Click FINISHED when completed and the field will be added to the custom table

To Edit a field

  1. In ACT go to the TOOLS menu and select DEFINE CUSTOM TABLES
  2. Select the field to alter
  3. On the upper left click on the EDIT FIELD
  4. Change the desired settings
  5. Click NEXT and change any other settings
  6. Click FINISHED when completed and the field will be updated in the custom table

To remove a field from a custom table, follow these steps:
  1. In ACT go to the TOOLS menu and select DEFINE CUSTOM TABLES
  2. Select the table to alter
  3. Click on DELETE FIELD
  4. Answer yes to delete the field

See also

Article ID:
Views: 223
Created By: jimdurkin
Modified By: [Modified By]
Created Date: 3/24/2014 12:31 PM
Last Modified: 3/24/2014 1:46 PM
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