Sometime you need to attach a record to a record in another custom table such as Time Billed attached to a record in the Project table or Transactions into the Accounts table. To do this you need to add the custom control onto your data entry form. This control is called "Single Line Custom Parent"
In the screen shot we are displaying the Account Number and other account fields in the data entry form for the transfer record.
To add a field from a parent table
Open the form in theform designer. SeeEditing a data-entryform for more information. On the top toolbar click on the Parent Child Lists icon to access the controls.
Drag the Single Line Custom Parent onto your form.
Select the desired custom table.
Select the desired field.
Click OK
Note- All parent fields will be in read-only mode. To change the values in any field you need to click on the Lookup button and select a different record.
These controls are made up of three elements.
The Text box
The Navigation button
The Look up Button
You can turn off the Navigation button and the Look up Button to de-cluttered the form if you have multiple controls.
Below we have five controls which display multiple fields from the attached contact. WE left only the first "Contact Name" control with buttons.