jQuery UI Dialog - Default functionality

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  • This month's videos

Learn how to get format a field such as phone or SSN for data entry .

Create email campaign using Impact in 1 minute.

  • Recent Videos

Learn how to get Google driving directions for your activities.

Create advanced scripts and automation using Impact.

Learn how to stretch your desktop on multiple monitors with Impact.

Set your data entry tab order using the forms designer.

Learn how to automatically update any field value based on criteria.

Learn our modern, inspirational, nimble, clear data entry designer giving you the power to make your life easier.

See Act before and after Impact Suite is installed.

Learn how to display parent child infromation.

Check out automation in one quick minute!

Automation with Jill Gibson

See how to perform quick lookups using Impact.

Learn how Impact helps with your email automation.

Create your own email templates using Impact's email designer.

Deep Dive webinar on Impact's automation.
Quick overview of Impact new features for your data entry needs.

  • One Feature in 1 minute

Click on a video to learn one of Impact's many feature in a quick one minute video tutorial.

Add a simple math function into Act!

How to arrange the tabs at the bottom of the view

Sort up to 4 columns / fields at the same time.

Move the panels on the bottom of the lists.

Increase or descrease list view font size.

Display activities at the top of the form.

Column totals on any field in Act.
Add a simple math function into Act!

Side by side views for user, type, or resources.

Place contact fields on custom forms.

Learn how to quickly apply saved lookups.

What do the panels at the bottom of the list do?

Change date ranges with one click.

Colorize your world using Impact Suite.

Apply alternating color to make lists easier to read!

  • Long deep dive Webinars

Click on a a link to watch a deep dive webinar.

Deep Dive Webinar on using Microsoft Word Templates in Impact

A webinar with Jill Gibson on how she uses Impact for subscription tracking..

Deep Dive Webinar on using scripting and automation using Impact

Deep Dive Webinar on using Impact's data entry form designer

  • Cool Tips and Tricks

Click on a video to learn one of Impact's cool features.

Quick overview on Impact Suite features

Learn how to post an opportunity to QuickBooks.

Tab indicators to quickly view more details

Place a tab control on the contact details view

One click to add multiple line items.

Create yellow sticky popup notes per contact.

Create your own invoice templates using MS Word.

Lookup contact by geo-location.
  • Word Templates

Click on a video to learn how to use MS Word templates

Learn how to create templates in Microsoft Word.

Manager multiple templates for quotes or invoices.
Convert to PDF and email with one click.

Design and use templates with custom lists and totals.

  • Invoice, Quotes, Product Bundling

Click on a video to learn how to use MS Word templates for generating quotes

Create advanced formulas for our business rules.

Line item calculations such as tax and/or commissions.
Add multiple line items with one click!.

Generate documents with lists and totals.

  • Report Generator

Click on a video to learn how to generate reports from your database

Learn how your report can auto run.

Export your report To Excel to further customize.
Create a new report from scratch in minutes.

Design reports in our robust Report Designer

  • Custom Views (tables)

Click on a video to learn how to create custom views (tables) included with every copy of Impact Suite

Learn how to create your own views in Act using Impact Suite.

Add a child table to track progress
Create data forms using the Layout designer.

Learn how to create templates for custom views.

  • Before and After

Click on a video to see Act in ist anative form then Act after Impact is installed

Native Act versus custom view (tables).

Opportunity List view enhancements.

Native Act versus enhanced contact list view.

Dashboards view enhancements.

Contact Details view enhancements.

Activity List view enhancements.