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Import template

Import table template function uses a pre-defined table structure file to create a new table. Inside this DTB file is a list of fields which. These fields once imported can be added, removed or altered.

ACT Data Scheme Template (*. DTB)

To import a table using a DTB file please follow these steps:

1) Click on the IMPORT TEMPLATE link
2) Select the DTB file from your hard drive
3) The default name is the new custom table is the name of the DTB file. You can change this name.
4) Select the top level entities this custom table is attached to.
5) Click on the SAVE button

See also

Article ID:
Views: 230
Created By: jimdurkin
Modified By: [Modified By]
Created Date: 3/24/2014 12:31 PM
Last Modified: 3/24/2014 1:36 PM
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