As in the previous help topic about displaying custom table in line you can also display some of ACT's native tables such as notes, histories, activities and/or opportunities above the tabs. To display a native table on the top of the details view follow these steps:
In ACT go to the TOOLS menu and select DESIGN LAYOUT -> CONTACT
Click on the "Custom' toolbar in the upper right side.
NOTE * The first time after install Impact you need to add your new custom controls to the custom toolbox.
To do this right click on the toolbox and select CUSTOMIZE from the popup menu.
When the 'Customize Toolbox" window opens place a check mark in all the entries and click OK
Select your desired component from the toolbox and using your mouse drag an area you want the list to appear.
In this picture we have added five lists to the top section of ACT!
Go to the FILE menu and select SAVE then EXIT
In this picture we see the results of our new design. Each component has the ability to display the records in one of three styles: List view, as a chart or in a pivot table. To change style simple use the smart Tag in the upper right corner of the component. You can change styles on the fly without going back into the designer.