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Export to CSV

Home > Report Designer > Printing > Exporting > Export to CSV

Export to CSV

This document details the exporting of a document to an CSV (comma-separated values) format.

When exporting a document, you can define CSV-specific exporting options using the following dialog.

  • Encoding
    Define the encoding used in the exported document.

  • Text export mode

    Choose whether to use the formatting of the data fields in the bound dataset for the cells in the exported document. Note that if this property is set to Text, all data fields are exported to the CSV file as strings, with the corresponding formatting embedded into those strings.

  • Text separator
    Define a text separator (comma by default).

  • You can also specify whether to quote strings with separators.

To make sure that your report layout will be preserved in your desired format
 check to ensure there are no exclamation marks shown for intersecting controls 

When exporting to a CSV file, XtraReports uses the protected GetTextView method of the XRControl class, which is overridden in the appropriate report control. This method returns a 2-dimensional array of strings used for the text representation of a control. For instance, the XRLabel is represented as a simple string, the XRRichTextBox as a 1-dimensional array of strings, the XRTable as a 2-dimensional array of strings, and the XRPictureBox can't be represented as a string.

See also

Article ID:
Views: 252
Created By: jimdurkin
Modified By: [Modified By]
Created Date: 3/24/2014 12:31 PM
Last Modified: 3/24/2014 12:31 PM
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